Friday, April 18, 2008

self medicating 2 year old

I hear Jane gagging, which is a clear indicator that she is playing with Gavin. Sure enough there he is shoving a medicine dropper down her throat. Is that the medicine dropper of the special prescription cough medicine for the twins that I opened just this morning? Closer inspection. It sure is..."GAVIN!" I notice as he runs away that he leaves a sticky patch where he touched my bed...and he has a dark patch on his shirt right under his chin. Where is that bottle of medicine!?! Oh here it is, and empty...grrrr, "GAVIN!" I hear the front door slam as he makes a hasty bid for sanctuary at Grandma's house. That ain't gonna help buddy. I follow him and collar him just as he is trying to get Grandma's attention, presumably to help rescue him from me. I sit down with him and explain that drinking someone else's medicine is wrong. That taking any medicine that mommy hasn't given you is wrong. That hiding from mommy when you have done any of the above is wrong. He is unrepentant, and laughs the whole time I am talking and all through time out. Time for more drastic measures...Oh Gavin, this is going to hurt me worse than you...out comes the apple cider vinager. This is a lesson you need to remember! When you take medicine that doesn't belong to you the consequences are yucky. Down goes 1/2 teaspoons of apple cider vinager...he isn't laughing anymore but sobbing and gagging and burping up the smell of dyeing easter eggs. Poor little boy! After he calms down he is incredibly mellow the rest of the evening...whether it be because he is properly chastened and repentant(ha!)...or the fact that the medicine he took was almost pure DM (dextromethorphan) and he is a little drunk!

Other lessons learned by Gavin recently. Don't touch the stove. Ask mommy before you go
down the road to your friend's house. Instant mandatory nap time ensues if you poop on the floor.


Anonymous said...

your hands are full is all I can say...
and apple cider vinegar??? never heard of this one... I need details...

Laurie Huish said...

Meg I am sorry I still think this is HILARIOUS!!!! I can't believe Gavin pooped on the floor!

Melissa said...

Meg you are so hilarious! You handled him so much better than I would have. We're having a boy!

Anne-Marie said...

I am with "shillig4family" is the vinegar a punishment or how you don't have to go to ER? If it is a remedy...I could have used that a few months ago!

Meg Barry said...

Congratulations, Melissa! I think I am having a boy too so if you ever live close...hint hint...they can be best buds!

Anne-Marie and Carrie, it was a punishment...or shall we say a motivator...I wanted it to be something that stuck out in his memory the next time he climbed on the cabinet for medicine. Apple cider vinager is good for you, but absolutely disgusting!

Anonymous said...

i love your stories so much! you're definatley becoming a pro in the mommy department! haha good luck!!

Anne-Marie said...

Interesting...I should call you next time I am trying to come up with a creative "motivation".