Wednesday, March 5, 2008

voting and taxes

I have had several conversations about voting lately. As I have a lot of republican friends the gist of the conversation has been to make sure I was voting and that when I did it was going to be for McCain. I think this is interesting. I don't know why any Republican planning on voting for McCain in November would vote in the republican primary. Even if I was planning on voting for McCain in November(still don't know who I'm gonna vote for then) wouldn't my vote be better placed in the democratic primary since McCain is pretty much a guarantee for the republicans. Then I should go vote for the candidate that I thought would do the most poorly against McCain? Just a thought....Anyway, I didn't do my public duty yesterday as I completely foregot until it was too late(probably partly due to my mother being in New Jersey...lame excuse....but she always reminds me on voting day and then offers to take my kids so I can go vote...Mom, it is your fault I am a bad citizen=)...curses, especially since the Texas primaries actually made a difference this year . I applaud all who did go vote and am looking foreward to voting in November.

On to taxes. I am a wimp when it comes to taxes. It seems like a stupid thing to procrastinate as we always get money back, but I really hate doing them. In fact this year I had decided that I wasn't even going to try, Kenneth could trot right down to H&R block and take care of it....then my sister-in-law came over and was asking me questions. I took her to the website that we have used every other year, and for some reason it inspired me to try one more time. Long story short, they either made their website much more user friendly or I got smarter this year. It literally took me 30 mins, and that is while all of my children were awake and my husband was zoned out watching a training video. Not only that, I spent $15 extra on the deduction maximizer and holy frijoles we spent a total of $32 on doing our taxes and are getting back a check that is roughly at quarter of our yearly income! Totally worth it....ok, beyond worth it. Ridiculously worth it! I am victorious. In case you were wondering we use Do your taxes!


Anonymous said...

i use tax act online and do ours... i did ours in JAN!

we get our bows here there and everywhere but i like has these cool interchangeable ones i used when aimi lark was little and they don't leave the mark in the head

but here in utah they have bows on every corner

walmart also had some for awhile that the band was a pantyhose type material b/c they don't leave marks in the head either

well off to the airport

Laurie Huish said...

You've motivated me to at least try to do my taxes on-line. I was going to trot off myself to H&R Block sometime this week.

Melissa said...

ugggggggh we still have to do ours. i'm jealous you're finished.

scr said...

Your primary comments made me laugh...I did vote in "the other party" primary. It was kind of fun! Congrats for the taxes and live it up while you are a student... I am avoiding ours. It isn't pretty! Great blog! Love, Sarah (your cousin... surpised?!) =)

Meg Barry said...

Hey Sarah! I was just wondering if we have any more family on here. Congratulations on crossing party lines, I'll bet that was fun!

Anne-Marie said...

Your voting comments were well said!!! I voted Democrat as well, but I didn't even think of your reasoning, which to me, was better thought out. I just picked who I thought I liked better between the 2 Dems.

Way to go on the taxes too. I worked as an Accountant (not doing taxes, of course) for 3 years, and I have never filed our taxes - Jonny always does it, so kudos to you :)

Meg Barry said...

Hey Anne-Marie! That is funny that you are an accountant and don't do your taxes. I have done them forever, but I am just looking for an excuse to hang up my hat on that one!