Saturday, June 21, 2008

Things I love...

Listening to Gavin talk. Every week his sentences get clearer and the structure gets better...when did my baby turn into an opinionated thinking being? Yesterday he said, "Mama, anna nuggle." Come right up baby I wanna snuggle you too.

Going in to pick Atticus up in the morning. He gets so excited he bounces up and down so that when I lean down to pick him up he usually loses his balance from the bouncing and falls back on his head with a big silly grin on his face.

Watching Jane explore. She is so fearless. I watched her crawl onto some plastic shelves. From there she climbed onto a table, and from there up onto Grandma's keyboard(I took her down immediately mom...don't worry!)

The time in the evening when the kids are deep asleep and I go and touch their backs and feel them breathing. It is seriously one of my favorite times to be a parent.

When my house is clean.

Turning off the lights to go to sleep and then suddenly thinking of something really funny...and having my best friend right there to wake up and tell it too.

When I can hear all 3 of my kids laughing in their makes it worth it to have them so close in age. They are already becoming such great friends.

Reading a good book for the first time.


Clicking on Google reader and seeing that I have a lot of blogs to catch up on.

Living in my parents back yard. Don't knock the commune till you have lived here a little while =).

Someone else doing the dishes.

Walking in a door and seeing three kids light up like a big celebrity just walked in, and then start crawling/running for me as quickly as they can so that I am mobbed 2 steps inside the door.

Being married to someone who doesn't know if he would love me as much if my hips got smaller.(I think I would love me more...but hey it is a nice thought honey)

Morning walks.

Family reunions.

Gerber daisies.

My mom. I can't wait till you get home!

Home cooked meals, that I didn't cook.

Sleeping in.


Anonymous said...

good things to love

Holli said...

Aww... I love all those things too - only with different names. :)