This kid likes to eat. The fact that she came out 2 lbs bigger than the other 3 probably should have been a clue. We are nursing every 2-3 hours(completely normal). A couple of days ago she started acting hungry before it was "time" to nurse(not that we are on a strict schedule right now...give me a couple weeks though and we are doing this...made life with the twins livable!). This was my thought process:
'Hmmmm, she is acting it gas or is she really hungry? She is getting really mad at her hand, I'll bet she is hungry. Ok, I guess I will feed her now. Crud. If I feed her now then the 'other one' is going to want to eat at the normal time in an hour and then I will be feeding babies all. day. long. I should probably wake the 'other one' up to eat too....'
'WAIT A MINUTE! I only have one baby this time! There is no 'other one...' So if she wants to eat now...why not? It's just me and liberating!'
Not that I am knocking twins...I love 'em, and someday with a bigger house and a little more of a child bearing breather, I would love to have them again. But some things about having only one this time makes it feel so. much. easier.
She's SO cute! I am ready for another one!! I can't wait until Kev is... Congrats!
I can only imagine...Congrats on another beautiful baby girl.
Babywise saved me with Abigail! Anne is so beautiful and I am glad she is a good baby! Love ya Meg!
I have been checking your blog more than once daily for pictures. :) She's beautiful!
I don't know how you ever fed twins. I'm struggling so bad with just Grant. I admire you Meg. This has seriously been an eye-opening experience for us.
Melissa, if I had had the twins first we would have been formula feeders! With the first one YOU and the baby are learning how it works...with the rest of your kids it is just the baby. It makes a huge difference. Breast feeding is HARD! I promise it does get better...
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