Saturday, September 12, 2009

Conversation with Atticus...

A: "Mommy, I hungry."
Me: "Well, we are going to eat soon."
A: "Mommy, I hungry."
Me: "Yes, I know."
A: "MOMMY, I hungry."
A: "Mommy, I HUNGRY.
A: "Mommy, I hungry...for chocolate."
Me: "Oh really?"
A: "Yes mommy, I hungry for chocolate."
Me: "Hmmm, I think we should eat something else."
A: "Mommy, I hungry for chocolate.
Me: "No Atticus."
A: "Mommy, I hungry for chocolate."
Me: walking away...
A: following me... "Mommy, I hungry for chocolate."
Me: ignoring.
A: grabbing my leg. "Mommy, I hungry for chocolate."
Me: disentangling my leg and walking away again.
A: following me..."Mommy, I hungry for chocolate."
Me: starting to change Anne's diaper.
A: climbing up my back and sticking his face in mine. "Mommy, I hungry for chocolate."
Me: handing him the dirty diaper, "Will you put this in the trash baby?"
A: big grin. "Yes mommy." throws diaper away. runs back. "Mommy, I hungry for chocolate."
Me: "Go away Atticus."
A: "Mommy, I hungry for chocolate.
repeat x's 30. Finally he gets distracted by a toy. 10 minutes later he comes up to me.
A: "Mommy, I hungry apple."
repeat x's the time it takes me to cut up the apple!

Home dude has a one track mind. Once he thinks it, he stays on it...and on it...and on it.


Reality as i know it said...

Robert is the same. he will repeat something until he gets it or FINALLY gives up!

Laurie Huish said...

Meg-I'm hungry for chocolate to! Can you please send some my was :) MD doesn't ask for chocolate-but Hyrum does and he pitches a fit if I say no

AmyLyn said...

Oh my gosh. So funny. Love the big grin and obedient boy to throw away the diaper in the midst of all of it.

Holli said...

I think you should hold this conversation when he's 20 something and has a wife that nags him! :) What's that they say about karma?

Atticus is adorable!

Marshall and Shannon said...

Hey you should update!!! It has been forever and your blog is one of my favorites....So UPDATE PLEASE!!!!!