sisters are blisters...
...or so my brother Joel always told me. We reorganized our house again in a vain attempt to make 700 sq feet feel like 1200. Gavin is back in the room with the twins and Anne is in the little nook by the bathroom that Gavin occupied. Another big change recently is Gavin stopped taking naps. I realized that I could fight him to take a nap and then fight him to go to bed...or I could stop fighting and he would conk out on his own at about 6:30pm. Fine by me. The twins are now down to one nap a day, so they are ready for bed at 6:30 too. Anyway, tonight was the first test of the 6:30 bedtime combined with the kids being in the same room. 6:40 p.m. Gavin yelling (with a hysterical sound to his voice) "MOOOOMMYYYYYYYY! Jane won't get out of my bed!"7:20 p.m. I peak in and Atticus grins at me. He is standing up in bed watching Jane, who is playing over by Gavin's bed.7:40 p.m. I check in again and find this....
I would say poor Gavin, but I can almost guarantee that he will get his revenge tomorrow morning. He wakes up earlier...and he loves jumping on the twins first thing. Merry Christmas.Happy New Years.
We ended up giving up on Samuel's nap for the same reason...I love the early bedtime and naps can be such a fight!
Oh, I hate it when they give up naps. My kids do really early on, but I love the 7pm bedtime!! Then you get some time alone (except your so exhausted by then). Your a wonderful mother, Meg! Hope the new arrangement works out better! Love ya!
I always love reading your stories! they make me smile!
Ohhhhh! I LOVE this picture! Miss you guys!
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