-Catch the twins splashing around in the toilet(this was the day of Gavin's last potty training attempt). Bleach their little hands...just kidding, seriously scrubbed though.
-see Atticus grab a dripping egg shell out of the trash can and put it in his mouth. Put the trash can up on the counter, move the bleach from the bathroom to the kitchen(still just kidding...I just use a LOT of soap...have I mentioned Atticus hates being cleaned). Make mental note not to kiss Atticus for a few days.
-shoo the kids outside. The weather is beautiful and cool. See Atticus carrying a bowl around. how cute. Wait. That's the bowl Grandma puts the cat food in. Atticus is carrying it like a bowl of popcorn...a nice post breakfast snack. Take that away(offending him...AGAIN...what a morning)
-Follow Atticus around for a while steering him clear of ant piles since that boy has never met a pile of dirt he didn't like and he has no concept of 'the dirt that bites...' Have several near misses(a couple of days later he was not so lucky).
-Grab some snacks for the kiddos since there are starting to be complaints of hunger. Sit down and hand them out. Atticus wanders over from the sand pile with dirt all over his hands and all around his mouth...like I said, the kid loves dirt. I catch a whiff of something foul. I inspect his diaper...all clear. He really smells nasty though. Then I realize that what I thought was "dirt" was actually Atticus discovering the portion of the sandbox that was also apparently the litter box. He. Ate. Cat. POOP. AAAAAAAAAAAAARGh! Where did I put that bleach?
-On a walk later that afternoon a bird poops on my head.
Oh dear..that sounds like. fun. or something. Sounds like he survived at least :)
LOL! That is hilarious Meg. I am laughing out loud for real! Glad we can laugh the day AFTER these things happen.
hahaha! Love motherhood!!
Oh my heck! Thank you so much for the GREAT laugh out loud! Loved it! You are one brave woman!! You have to love boys though. They truly have the key to their Mommy's heart!!
I am laughing so hard! How old are your kids Meg? My twins didn't seem as mischevious as yours. Of course they were buckled or fenced in somewhere most of the time... Ü
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