Friday, March 14, 2008

salad & playdates

conversation with Gavin:

Me: "Would you like chicken nuggets?"
G: "NO!"
Me: "What do you want to eat?"
G: "No."
Me: ???"How about horse food(salad)?"
G: "Noooo! Bear food!"
Me: "Bear food?"
G: "Yes, bear food."

so I made him a salad anyway(after all a salad was tiger food a few days ago) added some croutons and called it good. I am amazed that he will actually eat it, but so long as he gets to be a horse/tiger/bear he chows down. I wish it were that easy for me!

The twins had a play date today, consisting of 3 other kiddos the same age as them. We were really good at getting together right after the babies were born, but then it just got harder and today was the first time we have gotten together in probably 4 months. It was really nice catching up with the other moms and getting to see the babies, who are all sitting up and really getting big.

In the last picture the kids on each end are my nephews, Michael and Clayton, in case you were wondering how the numbers multiplied so quickly.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i need playdates! haha i wish i had lots of people close and the time! i am jealous! lol cute kids though meg!